Friday, December 23, 2011

How to Get the Correct Size for Your Civilian Ballistic Vest

Right fit is critical for your Civilian Ballistic Vest because it secures maximum protection, comfort and wearability of your civilian ballistic vest. So you must be able to provide your manufacturer your right body measurements. Here are some guidelines on how to get the correct size for your civilian ballistic vest.

1. If it is possible to visit your manufacturer personally, let them be the one to take your body measurements. This is because they know more the body measurements needed to make your civilian bulletproof vest and they are more familiar on the things that can make them make the vest that is right for you. Moreover, personally visiting your manufacturer will allow you to communicate your desired style of your civilian ballistic vest. You can be able to tell them your personal preference that can give you more satisfaction and comfort ability in your vest.

2. If you are buying online, make sure that you give them your correct size measurements. If you don’t know how to measure yourself, ask for assistance from other people or better yet, have yourself measured by a professional. Let your online manufacturer also guide you in getting your correct size measurements. Ask for the measurements needed and follow the sizing guidelines they have provided. If they have an available online demo or instruction on how to get you measurements, it would be better. But you must follow it strictly as possible.  

3. It is important that you are relaxed and comfortable when taking measurements for your civilian ballistic vest. Also get your body measurements while on a sitting or standing position for greater comfort in any movements that you will do.

4. Try to develop rapport with your manufacturer. Let them know what you want to happen with your civilian ballistic vest. If you have additions or changes in your vest, communicate it to your manufacturer. You will want to wear your civilian ballistic vest more if you are comfortable and satisfied with it.  

Important Details about Your Civilian Ballistic Vest

Know more about your Civilian Ballistic Vest. The following are some important detains that will allow you to know your civilian ballistic vest better. These are information on how it can protect you, how to increase comfort when wearing your vest and how to properly care and maintain your vest for a consistent ballistic performance.

1. Body armors such as your civilian ballistic vest have various levels of protection. These protection levels are Level I, IIA, II, IIIA, III and IV. Level I is the lowest level giving the lowest protection while Level IV gives the highest level of protection. More layers are added as the level increases making the civilian ballistic vest thicker and bulkier.

2. The materials used on the civilian ballistic vest are delicate and sensitive. Observe proper care and maintenance instructions so that these ballistic resistant materials will not weaken and decrease the ballistic performance and effectiveness of your civilian ballistic vest.

3. There are two key elements of the civilian ballistic vest – the armor carrier and the armor panels. The Armor Carrier is the garment material that holds the ballistic panels in place so that it can be wearable and be used to give protection. Meanwhile, the armor panels are the layers of ballistic resistant materials that have the capability to protect the wearer from various ballistic threats.

4.  Trauma pads made of metal, ceramics or layers of ballistic fabric can be added to the civilian ballistic vest for added protection from blunt trauma injuries.

5. Right fitting makes the civilian ballistic vest comfortable to wear. It also ensures maximum protection and safety to the wearer. Right fitting also prevents creases and wrinkles on the vest that can possibly degrade your civilian ballistic vest.

6. Strictly follow the care and maintenance instructions of your civilian ballistic vest. This will ensure the long life and quality of your vest and maintain the effectiveness and excellent ballistic performance of your civilian ballistic vest. 

Why is There a Need to Use a Civilian Ballistic Vest?

Due to the increasing number of crimes such as gang violence, terrorist attacks, riots, unnecessary murders as well as robbery and accidents, personal protection is highly important. Civilians and private citizens would want to feel safer on the streets, on their jobs and while doing their normal activities. This need for protection from various threats has driven people to use a Civilian Ballistic Vest. The civilian ballistic vest has been the solution of the protection worries and problems of most people.

Civilian ballistic vest is a type of personal protection clothing and safety apparel that is used to protect the wearer from harms and injuries. It shields the wearer from common threats such as handguns, fragments of explosions, blunt trauma and sharp and pointed objects. It has the ability to stop bullets coming from handguns and low velocity firearms and also reduces the blunt trauma injuries that the wearer can suffer from the impact of the bullet. It also has the ability to resist stab and slash attacks from knives and other sharp and pointed objects.

The good thing about using a civilian bulletproof vest is that they are concealable and lightweight. Its conceal ability provides low detection risk. You are protected while still appearing like an ordinary person. Its lightweight quality will also allow you to carry the civilian ballistic vest with ease and to wear it for long hours. Actual wearing of the vest is more important than the style and model of the civilian ballistic vest. You can also do your normal activities without any interference from your vest, allowing you mobility and ease in your movements.    

There is a need to use and wear a civilian ballistic vest primarily for safety and protection purposes. Also, you can have a sense of security when you are wearing a civilian ballistic vest. You will never know when you will fall victim of different crimes. Moreover, accidents happen suddenly, anywhere and anytime. It is good to be prepared and protected for whatever things that may happen. 

Rules to Follow When Using your Civilian Ballistic Vest

The following are some rules that wearers of Civilian Ballistic Vest should follow. These rules will help the wearer achieve maximum protection, make the civilian ballistic vest long lasting and to experience comfort while wearing the civilian ballistic vest.

1. Be sure that your civilian ballistic vest properly fits you. Right fitting of your vest ensures maximum protection, comfort and mobility. Actual wearing of your vest is far more important than having the best style or the most expensive civilian ballistic vest. Moreover, proper fitting helps in making your civilian ballistic vest last long. Over strapping will create creases and wrinkles on your vest while loose straps will cause excessive movements in the ballistic panels making you some parts of your body vulnerable to various threats.

2. Follow strictly the instructions provided by your manufacturer on the proper handling, use and care and maintenance of your civilian ballistic vest.

3. Don’t wear accessories underneath your civilian ballistic vest especially hard objects such as necklaces and other jewelries because they can be imbedded on your skin due to the impact of the bullet.

4. Before wearing your civilian ballistic vest, make a physical inspection first. Check the overall condition of the vest especially the armor panels. Look for wear and tears, loose stitches and fasteners and check the straps for any damages. Do not personally repair your civilian ballistic vest if possible. Consult your manufacturer. It would also be better if you can bring the vest to them so they can personally check and repair it. Sometimes, misuse of the civilian ballistic vest can also nullify the warranty contract.

5. Get to know your vest. Do not be satisfied with the information contained in the labels. If possible, research and know more about your vest – how it can protect your more, how to maintain its quality and effectiveness, and how to make it long lasting. 

Commonly Asked Questions about Your Civilian Ballistic Vest

Civilian ballistic vest is type of personal protection clothing that provides protection against projectile threats and other non-ballistic threats. There is a need to wear a civilian ballistic vest in order to be safe from various threats, to be protected from harms and injuries and to have a sense of security. With the alarming rate of crimes in our community, it is important to be prepared and protected from dangers and harms that can happen anytime.

How can a civilian ballistic vest protect the wearer?

The civilian ballistic vest is made up of layers of ballistic resistant material that is capable of stopping a bullet and dispersing the impact of the bullet to a larger area of the vest. Each layer of the civilian ballistic vest helps in stopping the bullet and dispersing the impact. It also minimizes the blunt trauma injuries that once can suffer from the impact of the bullet.

What are the common threats that the civilian ballistic vest can overcome?

The civilian ballistic vest can defy bullets from handguns and slow velocity firearms. It cannot protect you from rifles and stronger firearms. It can also protect you from blunt trauma injuries, stab and puncture wounds from sharp and pointed objects and from hypodermic needles. Not all civilian ballistic vests are effective in giving you protection from stab attacks. You need to buy and use a stab resistant ballistic vest to be safe from sharp and pointed weapons.

What are the things to be considered when buying a civilian ballistic vest?

When buying a civilian ballistic vest, the primary considerations are threat and weight. You should be able to assess first the threat level that you can face. Consider also the weapons and rounds that are popular in your field and in your place. Make sure that you also purchase a lightweight vest that will allow mobility and will provide you comfort. 

Tips When Buying Your Civilian Ballistic Vest

Here are some tips to remember when buying your Civilian Ballistic Vest. These tips will help you save money, time and effort and at the same time be able to select the civilian ballistic vest that will suit your specific need.

1. The best way to look for a supplier of your civilian ballistic vest is to go online. Online searching will help you save time and effort and money when looking for a ballistic vest. You will also be able to select the type of vest that will suit your personal preference.

2. If your preferred supplier is located overseas, check if they have local distributors or stores near your place. You have to select the supplier near your place so that you can be able to visit them for personal fitting of your civilian ballistic vest.

3. There are varied types and models of civilian ballistic vest. You need to select the vest that will give you an optimum balance between protections, comfort and conceal ability. But you will have to determine first the threat levels and risks that you will likely encounter before selecting the vest that is right for you.

4. Do not hesitate to tell your supplier what you want with your civilian ballistic vest. Tell them what you want to add to remove on the vest. This will make your more satisfied as a customer.

5. The price is only a secondary consideration when buying a civilian ballistic vest. When you buy a ballistic vest, your protection and safety are the prime considerations and not the price.

6. Be sure to check the labels before an actual purchase of civilian ballistic vest. This will enable you to determine if the vest you are buying is genuine and authentic. You will know the basic things about your civilian ballistic vest by checking the labels. Keep yourself informed and be a cautious buyer.  

Why is there a Need to Check the Labels of Your Civilian Ballistic Vest?

Labels are used to identify something. And labels are critical when it comes to your civilian ballistic vest. It is an important part of the Civilian Ballistic Vest because they identify the vest, they give information about the vest and they classify the vest according to model and rating. So always check the labels of your civilian ballistic vest for the following reasons.

1. To check the fabrics used on the civilian ballistic vest.

Labels contain information about the fibers used on the vest. The fibers used on the civilian ballistic vest are important because they determine the ballistic performance and effectiveness of the vest. You will know how the civilian ballistic vest can protect you through the fibers used.

2. To check the rating of the civilian ballistic vest.

Body armors like your civilian ballistic vest have different protection rating for your different protection needs. And the labels must clearly indicate the protection ratings of your civilian ballistic vest because this will help you decide which type of vest will fit your specific protection need. There is a tradeoff between protection and comfort ability. You will experience lesser comfort ability with your civilian ballistic vest when it has a higher rating.  

3. To check if there is a warranty information of the civilian ballistic vest.

Warranty is important in all body armors because this is like a contract between the seller and buyer. The manufacturer is liable for any damages and flaws on the civilian ballistic vest provided that the customer has exercised due care on the vest and that there was no misuse and neglect on the part of the buyer.

4. To know how to care and use the civilian ballistic vest.

Care and proper maintenance of the civilian ballistic vest should be included in the labels. Proper care and maintenance will help you maintain the quality of your vest, make it long lasting and preserve the performance and effectiveness of your civilian ballistic vest. 

Qualities that Your Civilian Ballistic Vest Must Possess

The following are the qualities that your Civilian Ballistic Vest must possess. Be sure that they are all present in the civilian ballistic vest that you intend to buy.

1. Your civilian ballistic vest must be able to give you maximum protection.

There are a number of factors that ensures maximum protection such as the fibers used on the civilian ballistic vest, right fit and weave style. The fibers used on the civilian ballistic vest must be of good and superior quality that has great ballistic resistance capabilities. Also, make sure that the civilian ballistic vest is properly fitted on you. It must be able to protect the vulnerable parts of your body, and it must not be fitted too tight or too loose so that you can be able to move and further protect yourself from various weapons. Don’t forget to check also the weave style of your civilian ballistic vest. A loose weave style provides lesser ballistic protection while a too tight weave style can make damages to the yarn thus decreasing ballistic protection of your civilian ballistic vest.

2. Your civilian ballistic vest must be comfortable to use and wear.

For you to be protected, you must be able to wear your civilian ballistic vest. To be wearable, the vest must be able to give comfort and ease on the wearer. The factors that enhance comfort ability of a civilian ballistic vest are right fit, adjustability and lightweight. For comfort ability in movements, there must be proper fitting in your civilian ballistic vest. If you are comfortable enough with what you wear, you can move with ease and without any hindrance. Furthermore, it makes you forget that you are wearing body armor. Another factor that enhances comfort ability in your civilian ballistic vest is adjustability. The wearer must be able to adjust the vest according to his desired fitting. 

The Pros and Cons of Wearing a Civilian Ballistic Vest

The primary advantage in wearing a Civilian Ballistic Vest is to protect you from various weapons that can possibly harm you. The possible harms that can happen to you are internal organ damages, lacerations, fractured bones and crashed wounds which you can possibly avoid if you wear a civilian ballistic vest. The vest is effective in stopping a bullet thus preventing it from reaching your skin. The web of fibers captures the bullet, absorbs the impact of the bullet and scatters it on the other portions of the vest in order to reduce the blunt trauma injuries.

Another advantage of wearing a civilian ballistic vest is that it gives you a sense of security and safety. Wearing a civilian ballistic vest can eliminate your safety worries and you can do the things you need to do out of harm’s way. Knowing that you are protected gives you strength and bravery in doing a dangerous task.
Though wearing a civilian ballistic vest have its advantages, it also has its downsides. Wearing a civilian ballistic vest may give discomfort especially when you are not used to having an additional garment. Though they are relatively lightweight, wearing a civilian ballistic vest will still give you an additional five pounds or more to carry giving you discomfort and possibly restricting your movements and normal activities.

Another disadvantage of wearing a civilian ballistic vest is that you may not be able to wear it on places where it is hot and warm. Civilian ballistic vest is like additional thick clothing that will make you feel warm while wearing it. Another downside of wearing a civilian ballistic vest is that it has lower protection level as compared to the military ballistic vests. It can only defy small handguns and other ballistic threats. Moreover, it cannot also give you enough protection from sharp and pointed weapon and other stronger and high velocity firearms like rifles. 

An Overview of the Civilian Ballistic Vest

The Civilian Ballistic Vest is a kind of body armor that is used to shield a wearer from various threats coming from firearms, explosions and other weapons. This kind of vest is intended to be used by civilians and private citizens because it has a lower protection level and is capable of concealment. A civilian ballistic vest was designed to meet the protection needs of civilians from common threats such as handguns, knives and sharp objects.

Just like the military bulletproof vest, a civilian ballistic vest has also different ratings of effectiveness. The rating of your vest would depend on the level of protection that you will need. The civilian ballistic vest works by catching the bullet and absorbing the impact of the bullet by the layers of fibers. The impact of the bullet is then dispersed throughout the wider part of the civilian ballistic vest to reduce the blunt trauma injury. The more layers of fibers are in the civilian ballistic vest, the more it is effective in stopping the bullet because each layer helps in absorbing the energy of the bullet until it has fully stopped.     

A civilian ballistic vest is effective in defying most ballistic threats but it is not 100 percent effective all the time. There are times that the vest also fails especially when higher and stronger types of firearms or weapons are used. There are also times that sharp object will penetrate the vest if you are hit at the right angle and slide happens between the fibers.

All civilians are allowed to wear and use a civilian ballistic vest provided that there are no restrictions or legislations prohibiting their use. Such restrictions are enforced to prohibit convicted felons from accessing body armors. Also there are countries encouraging the use of body armors such as civilian bulletproof vests especially when their job involves the use of hazardous chemicals and life threatening conditions.