Friday, December 23, 2011

Why is there a Need to Check the Labels of Your Civilian Ballistic Vest?

Labels are used to identify something. And labels are critical when it comes to your civilian ballistic vest. It is an important part of the Civilian Ballistic Vest because they identify the vest, they give information about the vest and they classify the vest according to model and rating. So always check the labels of your civilian ballistic vest for the following reasons.

1. To check the fabrics used on the civilian ballistic vest.

Labels contain information about the fibers used on the vest. The fibers used on the civilian ballistic vest are important because they determine the ballistic performance and effectiveness of the vest. You will know how the civilian ballistic vest can protect you through the fibers used.

2. To check the rating of the civilian ballistic vest.

Body armors like your civilian ballistic vest have different protection rating for your different protection needs. And the labels must clearly indicate the protection ratings of your civilian ballistic vest because this will help you decide which type of vest will fit your specific protection need. There is a tradeoff between protection and comfort ability. You will experience lesser comfort ability with your civilian ballistic vest when it has a higher rating.  

3. To check if there is a warranty information of the civilian ballistic vest.

Warranty is important in all body armors because this is like a contract between the seller and buyer. The manufacturer is liable for any damages and flaws on the civilian ballistic vest provided that the customer has exercised due care on the vest and that there was no misuse and neglect on the part of the buyer.

4. To know how to care and use the civilian ballistic vest.

Care and proper maintenance of the civilian ballistic vest should be included in the labels. Proper care and maintenance will help you maintain the quality of your vest, make it long lasting and preserve the performance and effectiveness of your civilian ballistic vest. 

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